Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Pack: 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)
Stanoxyl 10 by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals is a synthetic anabolic steroid which contains 10mg per tab of the hormone Stanozolol, and it is commercialised in a pack with 100 tabs. Stanozolol, usually named and sold as Winstrol tabs, is a synthetic anabolic steroid, with a moderate androgenic action which contribute a lot in the development of men's sexual character. For the first time Winstrol was developed in 1962 by Winthrop Laboratories and in the same year it was approved for using it on humans by FDA. Stanoxyl 10 stimulates the anabolic process and inhibit the catabolic once produced by the corticosteroids. Stanozolol leads to a quick muscular growth without depositing any fat cells. Also it improves the tissues nutrition and help depositing the calcium in the bones. It's hematopoetic action is conditioned by the improvement of the synthesis of eritropoetine. Stanoxyl 10 also has an anti-allergic action which is conditioned by a certain growth in the plasma of the CI fraction of the complement.
Stanozolol is often used in medicine for decreasing the frequency of hereditary Angioedema, also like Dianabol (Methandienone), it is used for treating cachexia. By being a strong anabolic steroid, Winstrol helps really great in treating serious injuries and burns, for the same reason it is used in periods before and after a surgical operation, or infectious diseases, so the patient can recover much faster. Kidneys insufficiency, anemia, muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis, asthma are also not a major problem when using Stanozolol. In treatment with corticosteroids, it is a very good helper. An important note would be the fact that Winstrol should be taken under the supervision of a qualified Doctor, due to it's strong anabolic and androgenic effects.
Bodybuilders love using Winstrol, because it does not convert to estrogen so an anti estrogen product is not necessary while using this steroid. By not using an anti estrogen you can avoid water and fat retention. Nobody is using Stanozolol for a bulking cycle, only for cutting cycles, as it is a 17aa so it can pass through your liver without being destroyed, which can cause further problems. All the professionals know that estrogen is causing a major water retention, so this is a good thing for users of Stanoxyl 10, because instead of giving you a bulk look it will give you a nice quality look. When your decided to begin a final phase in your cutting cycle than you can combine Stanozolol with an non-aromatizing androgen. A very good choice would be a Trenbolone or Halotestin. An important note to know is that steroids are not mentioned to be taken lightly, NeoMeds is the place for you to study and research before you start using them.
Stanozolol is a very strong anabolic steroid, and it also have androgenic qualities, that's why it have numerous side effects. Women can notice virility symptoms, inhibition of the ovary function, disorders of menstrual cycle. As for men, Winstrol can produce gynecomastia, deepening of the voice, male pattern baldness, acne, impotence, hormonal disorders but all these side effects are not always appearing when using Winstrol. We're bound to tell you about it because we want to be honest about what we are selling, but anyway all of this side effects can POSSIBLY appear. Diabetic patients be really careful with the dose when using winstrol, because it produce hormonal disorders. If you experience hepatic, renal or cardiac insufficiency, be extremely precautions with this anabolic steroid.
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