Masteron 100
Injectable Steroids

Masteron 100

78.00 USD

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Drostenolone Di-Propionate
Pack: 10 ml vial (100mg/ml)

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U.S. Domestic

Masteron 100 Detailed

Masteron 100 by Dragon Pharma is a steroid injection which contain 100 mg/ml of the hormone Drostenolone Propionate, and it is available in a 10ml vial.

Usually named Masteron, Masteron 100 is the most used steroid for cutting phases of the training cycle. By being is slightly anabolic, but strong androgenic, Masteron will give a pronounced quantity of muscles definition and hardness. Masteron is a really good choice for athletes who are sensitive to estrogen side effect, because Masteron 100 is a powerful estrogen blocker, and it also connect very firmly to the SHBG. This property of Masteron help really great other steroids that are being simultaneously used to connect to their receptors, therefore it will make their stack in the body more efficient. These property also are possessed by Proviron (Mesterolone), the oral form of Masteron 100.

Bodybuilders and athletes who want to to include Masteron in their cycle might choose to stack it with other injectable steroids like Testosterone Propionate or Trenbolone, adding an oral steroid like Halotestin and Winstrol, for producing a more accentuated quantity of muscles definition and hardness leading to a competition.

By being a strong androgenic steroid, Masteron will produce several androgenic side effects like oily skin and an increased level of libido. Female bodybuilders avoid using Masteron, due to the strong androgenic property of Masteron 100, but anyway many professional athletes often use it, as Masteron is very effective compound for pre-contest.

Average dose men: 300-600 mg/week
Average dose women: 100-300mg/week

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